Monday, August 31, 2009

Fibromyalgia, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, Neurotoxicity and CAMKII

Many experts now believe pain sensitivity in fibromyalgia is in part, neuropathic pain. "Martinez-Lavin notes that neuropathic pain is stimuli-independent and is accompanied by allodynia and paresthesia, which are also common features of fibromyalgia. He also points out that the most important characteristic of neuropathic pain is not the nerve lesion, but the resulting nerve dysfunction." (Kelly) Nociceptors (ie. TRPV1) can be upregulated in neuropathic conditions in addition to other inflammatory pain disorders. Also, a number of different agents activate nociceptors including those in food, fragrances and chemicals and other noxious stimuli like heat, cold and pH. Hormonals and neurochemical signals such as IGF and H2O2 and cytokines such as MCP-1 can increase the sensitivity of nociceptors which reduce their threshold for activation.
Upon activation of TRP channels, there is a flood of calcium inside the cell. Consistent and long-term activation and subsequent intracellular exposure to increased calcium may result in endoplasmic reticulum stress. Two consequences occur from ER stress 1) the activation of Nrf2 through PERK (Ho) which in endothelium includes Ho-1 binding to Nrf2 (Liu) and the 2) activation of CAMKII which may increase levels of cytokines and increase the likelihood of neuronal damage if not prevented. In cardiac cells, the inhibition of an isoform of CAMKII protects against intracellular levels of Ca+, H2O2 and acidosis in addition to protection from mitochondrial-induced apoptosis. Generally, H2O2 is generated through several mechanisms including from the mitochondrial respiratory chain and from activation of NADPH oxidases and can increase significantly during mitochondrial dysfunction. H2O2 signaling exerts prolonged signaling effects including those on dopamine release and down-regulation of CAMKII helps to prevent dopamine neurotoxicity(Cai, Bao). The activation of CAMKII from oxidative stress as noted by Xie, is responsible for "arrhythmia in diseased hearts and the heart's response to catecholamines in the "flight-fright" response (Cai). Also, CAMKII interacts with both TRPV1 and the NMDA receptor to alter their function. As for the latter, it may inhibit the downregulation of the NMDA receptor and increase the potential for pain generation and neurotoxicity.

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