Understanding "Why" and Who "I" Am!
These blogs, Facebook pages and other resources are a way for me, an independant researcher, to communicate what I have learned, read, discovered or just a mechanims to express my thoughts about things that have my attention at any given time. In addition, I hope it becomes a site that anyone can use to further understand the conditions that are aggravated by environmental pollutants, often called environmental illnesses. My research is different, admittedly, as I take a different and more holistic approach to studying them than most. My tehcnique is based on my experience, my upbringing and what I have learned from those I respect most that practice in the fields of biomedicine, technology, biomedical anthropology, ethology and cultural studies, environmental conservation and ecology and numerous others academic and professional pursuits. Personally, I have worked in and around the human and animal health care industries and other experience includes but is not limited to employment or exposure to medical research and media design, veterinary care, public health and emergency management. Hopefully, the different communication channels the HEIRS site uses will offer the education, provide support and comfort and a better understanding of health, wellness and disease.
If I worked out in the world today, the title I would most likely have is that of Human Ecologist which is the study of the "relationship between humans and their natural, social and created environments." (Wipedia) In addition to working in a number of health-related settings, I also have studied and researched a variety of different subjects (just a few of which include ethno-medicine and biology, environmental health including the influence of toxins and biological and chemical terrorism on biological systems, medical and physical anthropology, human and animal health including parasitology and bacteriology to some extent and nutrition) but the focus of it all has centered around disease in humans and animals populations and how they adapt or fail to adapt to their environment. Disease often occurs when the body is in a maladaptive state, and my main interest is in studying disease development in humans and animals especially in “unstable” ecological environments. One professor of mine once explained " that what made me unique is mysocio-cultural interest with a keen understanding, even affinity for, biological science. Thus while interested in the human dimensions of health and illness, I was conversant with the biological underpinnings of those factors. " If you asked me, I would just say that I am extremely intuitive and good at making "connections"! In a simplistic way, now I use this ability and assistive technology called a personal computer and the Internet to identify patterns in data. The data I use are just bits of information related to what I have seen, heard, read, etc to answer questions based on what I have seen, heard or read that I feel are important or satify a personal goal. Currently, the questions I am working on now are those related to my own health conditions from environmental toxins and recent experiences I have had or information I have recently learned. In this respect, I guess you could call me a "tracker" but a tracker of "patterns" related to human health, culture and experience.
While struggling to pursue an education and advance my career over the years, I have suffered from a number of illnesses which have severely hampered my employment and academic success. In 1983, after a bout with bacterial pneumonia, I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS) before much of anything was known about it. My physician at the time was also a student for a fellowship and researcher in genetics. At the time, I was not the only patient with similar symptoms he was treating and he eventually came to a "tentative" diagnosis at least for me of CFS. Recent research has shown there may be a link between environmental exposures to the "syndrome" and I believe this is true. When you investigate my medical condition there is no doubt there has to be an underlying cause or agent. While I was born with a gene that makes me more vulnerable, it was a criminal act and environmentally-induced toxic injury that included trauma, injury and threat to life that further exacerbated my chronic situation. Since then I have seen a progression of the chronic fatigue syndrome to PTSD to Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, as well as, diabetes and peripheral neuropathy which presents more like Parkinson's but all may be caused by chronic oxidative stress with genetic influences. In addition, I also have developed tinnitus or ringing in the ears. My ears do have a barely audible ring sometimes, but more often than not it is more like the ticking of a clock. The condition is inconsistent but when I do hear it can become extremely annoying. Many experts believe there is a strong relationship between chronic fatigue, fibromalgia, PTSD and Gulf War Syndrome or are co-morbid or have the same influence that trigger their development. For example, these triggers may include environmental toxins like pesticides and fertilizers that induce the changes in gene expression and elevations of inflammatory processes in the body and the brain. Personally, I have believed my condition has an underlying genetic component associated with (or effecting) liver function. I also suspect this to be true of many who suffer from environmental illness. Although, this is my opinion it seems to be at least in my case, supported by certain facts revealed while doing geneological research. In my ancestors there appears to be a high incidence of mortality and morbidity from hepatic issues and suspicious neurological illnesses even in relatives and ancestors long dead.
Because of my illness, I have embarked on a personal journey to discover more about “where I come from” and try to rediscover the parts of me I have lost due to some of the more “trying” effects of this illness. Genetically, I have found out that I have bloodlines derived from European Aristocracy, German, French-Canadian and Indigenous and Native American populations. If I were to guess, I would say I have inherited genes that do not like each other very much. Biologically, the long-term exposure to toxic inflammogens and chemicals, subsequent medical treatment from the prescriptions of the “mood-altering” drugs Lexipro and Effexor and chronic inflammation in the liver have caused changes to the way the neural transmitters in my brain function and have weakened my blood-brain barrier. In addition, the toxic exposures have compounded the effects on the brain. For me, the effects of the toxins and the drugs have had a profound effect on short-term and long-term memory. In general, I have difficulty in remembering things I did yesterday but more readily remember things I did or heard 30 years ago. Experts have identified behavioral changes in people with brain injuries. This too, I believe is true because of the dreams I have, renewed and potentiated religious beliefs and just in general, my personality. I have learned that humans find these changes to be uncomfortable and are unwilling to accept or adjust to the "new" me. Today, I am now learning to not care that much because I honestly have other things to think about and the emotional effects take their toll on my physical well-being. As far as memory, there are things I have totally forgotten and then there are things I know but can not remember how I know them. It is all very strange, but nevertheless, it would be very interesting to understand why this is occurring. Recent evidence shows these kind of symptoms are common with my experiences and may relate to the medical aspects of sickness syndrome, elevations of cytokines and systemic inflammation.
Since the original writing of this page, there has been a great amount of research published on conditions that are considered environmental illnesses including my condition and what I call , HEIRS Disease. Of all the research that I have read, the most promising is the admission that symptoms like these may result from inflammatory mediators produced by the immune system in response to stress. It is important to realize here when considering factors for stress, biologically speaking, can mean any kind of stress whether it be physical, mechanical or mental. The chronic production of inflammatory mediators including Il-1b, Il-6, Tnf-a and MCP-1 (and others) can lead to the activation of other pathways that lead to sickness syndrome and effects that change neurotransmission and gene expression. As one can imagine, when these two things are altered it may have very negative effects on function of biological systems and behavior. In addition, it is my belief genetic alterations in the antioxidant system, which seems to be ethnically derived, can exacerbate symptoms or lead to more pathological consequences. Specifically, I am referring to alterations in the Nrf2 pathway system and related proteins including SIRT1 and PGC-1a. All of which, contribute to cellular homeostasis, regulating the expression of antioxidant production, the redox system system including regulation of cysteine and glutathione and modulation (or control) of the inflammatory cytokine complexes I mentioned above. Considering my heritage, I believe I have one of these genetic SNPS or an epigenetic change that has altered the function of this pathway. It has been demonstrated that mutations in the Nrf2 may effect "biological fitness" and may promote disease generation and lower quality of life. These proteins are also associated with longevity and lifespan and changes in nutritional status can alter their expression. In addition, their influence may lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome that are risk factors for diabetes which should also be considered environmental illnesses. Other researchers have reported an increase in obesity and higher risk for diabetes after exposure to chemicals like pesticides. It has recently been shown that antioxidant levels are lower in fat cells and exhibit significant suppression of regulatory proteins such as PPARs, eNOS and PGC-1a and express lower Nrf2 and SIRT1 which is also is involved in the development of obesity. All of these proteins can be negatively effected by inflammation (potentially from exposures) and their function is dependant on the proper expression and function of the other proteins.
When I not writing or researching, I spend most of my time learning to live with a disability that has in all likelihood become permanent, trying to deal with others that do not understand the disability and explain why there is currently not a pill that I can take to make it go away, or why can I not just get over it or just deal with it. Environmental illness as I know it and am experiencing does not really fit into a scheme for therapy that many physicians are familiar and none that I trust in the area where I live. Being consistently asked questions I can not answer is taxing enough but it also the other symptoms like the "wobbles", the fatigue and verbal stumbles (that are embarrasing) and not being with people, that I find most difficult. No one can argue that humans are really meant to be social animals and I also have an strong desire for learning and have certain areas or subjects that I study more than others and this in itself poses another problem which is that I miss being able to "bounce" my ideas and resource information from others that know more about these areas than I do. Interestingly, I am learning to adjust to the changes in how I learn and remember information with assistive technology. I still have issues with it because the process of learning no longer comes as easily for me and the ability to remember details is quite different. I really want to find a way to work again because the loss of the things I mentioned above causes emotional stress of worrying about the unknown only aggravates the condition further. It is finding an environment, even if it is different than any I worked in before is difficult because I have to be "know" my surroundings and environmental triggers, need to take a rest during the day, as well as, wear comfortable clothing because of skin sensitivity. Of course, the most important is confirmed knowledge there is no contaminants around me because the more frequent the exposure even to very low levels, the more likely I am to become sensitive to it. As far as I am aware, I have a number of triggers that include formaldehyde, mold, smoke, bug sprays, preservatives, acetic and salicylic acid, ammonia, sulfur, latex, and petroleum based products. Unfortunately, my sensitivities cause immune responses including asthmatic type symptoms, worsening of the weakness and "wobbles" in my legs and symptoms of PTSD. These are almost like "divining rods" for the presence of contaminants in my environment even when I am not consciously aware of them. What many people do not understand is that while some can become desensitized to allergans, exposures related to MCS actually do damage to the brain and the body...so one can not just get over it but adaptations must be made so they are not exposed to them.
My house is as chemical free as it can be. Unfortunately, it has some environmental hazards for me that threaten to aggravate the illness. I have to accept living with ratty carpet and ugly wallpaper because the glues and what may be underneath such as lead paint and off-gasing from the carpet are potential toxins for me. Other remodelling issues include the generation of dust, fumes and other contaminants that can be toxic or in the very least, irritating and can activate inflammatory pathway in the lungs, the digestive tract and the skin. Also, limited budgets do not leave anything for this kind of work either. In the meantime, I have to listen to others that consistently ask me why I do not redecorate. Well, honestly I would if I could and then maybe, I could be comfortable here and finally call it home. These are just a few of the things I have to consider on a daily basis. Not only do I get bored with "living in a box" but it is also very isolating and I miss not being able to do things most people do... like going to the movies or visiting a library. Even activities like gardening become trying and expensive because of having to devise methods so I can "adapt" or at least be reasonably comfortable while doing them. Many people and most employers are unwilling to take the time or deal with the costs or inconvenience of the types of "adaptations" that are necessary for me to breath, walk and to maintain a "normal" level of cognitive awareness. Until there is some relief from my condition and symptoms, I am going to have to live and work in an environment that I design. Unfortunately, most health experts (which there are not many) that are familiar with these illnesses say they never really go away once they develop and become chronic. Sometimes the symptoms are better and sometimes they get worse -- it all depends on what the person has been exposed too!
It is out of what I have learned about living with this illness that this website is born. Not only have I learned a lot about immune related disorders and other chronic diseases, I had already learned and know a lot more about and how to access the resources necessary to live with an illness that is exacerbated by oxidative stress. By trial and error and utilizing my knowledge of health and disease, I have learned which products help and which products exacerbate my condition. Before this last injury, I was employed in emergency management and active on a number of committees given the responsibility for developing emergency plans that would be implemented in the care of a public health emergency or disaster. My current and future endevors offline include increasing the awareness of the issues related to environmental illness and also addressing the problems that could or may occur in those effected by these health conditions in the event of an emergency.
As for this website, it is designed as a medium to pass on what I have learned about human and animal health on to you. I realize some of the information is highly technical but because knowing about current research is important to understanding different disease states I mention it here. In my day to day activities and as I noted earlier, other than a health education tool I use this website as an adaptive medium for communicating important research studies that may be of interest to those that work in research, other resource contacts or just for those interested in learning more about these diseases or are looking for resources for help and assistance. This is why I include as much documentation as I possibly can.
To all of you who are living with chronic illness or know someone that does, I hope you find this website useful. I know first-hand that along with illness there are many questions that often go unanswered. You have my support and also my prayers.
Godspeed and God Bless!