Comment: One can assume from this there is significant potential for different people (because of their genetic makeup that results in different expression of antioxidant and immune genes) to be more prone to the health consequences of cigarette smoke. This has important implication for health conditions including but not limited to conditions like COPD, asthma and also other conditions like MCS.
For further reading: Ammonia, Methamphetamine, Cigarette Smoke and Parkinson's Disease
Blog Tags: Nrf2 , HO-1 , Tnf-a, Il-6

CiteULike: Reactivity of Mouse Alveolar Macrophages to Cigarette Smoke is Strain Dependent.: "Vecchio, D., Arezzini, B., Pecorelli, A., Valacchi, G., Martorana, P. A. A., and Gardi, C. (2010). Reactivity of mouse alveolar macrophages to cigarette smoke is strain dependent. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology."
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